People’s protected characteristics can sometimes cause them to lose out on job opportunities, regardless of their suitability for the role. Here are a few questions you might encounter on a job application or in an interview that could flag discrimination: 1. Are you...
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Employment Law
Legal vs. wrongful reasons for termination explained
Like most of the rest of the United States, Indiana is an “at-will” employment state. In a nutshell, that means that both the employer and the employee are generally free to end their working relationship at any time. This can be confusing to a lot of employees. In an...
You have 2 options to base workplace sexual harassment claims on
If you suffer sexual harassment at work you may need to take legal action to get some sort of resolution. While employers are meant to protect you from such things and take action if you report it to them, some do not, or their action is insufficient. That could leave...
What does Indiana consider “ghost employment?”
Some of our readers may have seen the recent story of a former Indiana sheriff who has been charged with multiple crimes for allegedly putting some of his subordinates to work on his car, home and rental properties while they were supposed to be doing their real...
Workplace gender discrimination has barely improved in 20 years
Federal laws prohibit gender discrimination in the workplace. Even so, unequal standards have not changed much in the past 20 years, as reported by Pew Research. Discrimination against women in workplaces continues, limiting women's professional experiences. This...
What makes a sexual harassment complaint valid?
Any type of harassment at work can harm employees and the whole organization. If you are subject to uninvited sexual contact, favors or advances, you may file a sexual harassment complaint. If you plan to report the incident, you should consider factors that may...
Do employers have to say why you were fired?
No employee wants to wake up one day and discover that their employer no longer requires their services. After all, their job pays for their rent, groceries and other essentials. A sudden termination could mean financial ruin. But as it turns out, employers can fire...
Signs of sexual discrimination in the workplace
Did you know that nearly half (42%) of women have encountered gender discrimination at work? This number is significantly higher in the technology industry, where 75% of women reported sexism. Adults spend up to one-third of their lives at work, so they should feel...
Making severance agreements for older employees enforceable
The severance agreement for a departing employee aged 40 or older must contain specific language. The agreement must meet certain standards established under the law to ensure that it is enforceable in court. The EEOC and the severance agreement The purpose of a...
What does a toxic work environment do to you?
A toxic work environment is one in which a worker, or perhaps many workers, feels the effects of discrimination or abuse. Toxicity in the workplace can be verbally abusive coworkers and a culture of fear. It could be a place where work expectations completely...