A toxic work environment is one in which a worker, or perhaps many workers, feels the effects of discrimination or abuse. Toxicity in the workplace can be verbally abusive coworkers and a culture of fear. It could be a place where work expectations completely...
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Month: July 2021
Workers can recover damages for withheld wages
Like those in other states, Indiana’s laws require that employers promptly pay their workers their wages when they come due. These laws are not surprising since, if their wage-earners do not get paid when they expect, Indianapolis households may quickly face very...
What are Indiana’s wage and hour protections for workers?
Wage and hour laws protect workers by ensuring they receive compensation for the work they have done. It is important that workers receive the compensation they have earned and worked hard for to help support themselves and their families which is why it is essential...
Can I be fired while on family or medical leave?
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that protects us when we need to spend time with our families. It is your right as an employee to get up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave when your child is born, you adopt or you or one of your family members suffer...