Workplace retaliation is illegal. Oftentimes, retaliation means that an employee loses their job. For example, maybe an employee hasn’t been paid the proper amount for overtime. They complain to their boss but, rather than paying the amount the employee is due, their...
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Workplace Retaliation
Is the tech industry discriminating against Asian Americans?
We have likely all heard of the glass ceiling — the barrier that keeps certain individuals from advancing in their profession. This metaphor generally refers to roadblocks that keep women and minorities from breaking into executive and other high-level positions...
What workers should know about Indiana’s blacklisting law
In today’s job market, successful employees often find that moving forward with their career means changing employers. Unfortunately, even the most promising job lead may not work out if a former employer tries to stand in the way by communicating false information....
How do I know if my employer has retaliated against me?
Workplace retaliation against an employee for reporting sexual harassment or discrimination is against the law in Indiana. But it can also be difficult for victims to prove. How can you know that you were fired or punished at work out of retaliation, or if management...
What does workplace retaliation look like?
One reason that employees sometimes fail to report things like safety violations and sexual harassment is that they worry about retaliation. If they make that report, is it going to negatively impact their career? Employees often feel like they have to choose between...
The reason workers often accept dangerous conditions
When you look at workplace accidents and injuries, you often find that workers were forced to work in dangerous conditions for a long time before they actually got hurt. It can leave you scratching your head, wondering why they would put up with it when they risked...
Which types of employer actions are considered to be retaliatory?
According the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), workplace retaliation is the primary type of discrimination that federal workers face. Individuals who apply for or hold government jobs aren't the only ones who are punished, harassed or discriminated...
3 things you need to know about workplace retaliation
It doesn't matter if you enjoy your job or have run into issues in the past, you never know if you could face an instance of workplace retaliation. If this happens, it's imperative to understand your legal rights and the steps you can take to protect yourself. There...
Can workers be fired for reporting sexual harassment?
Workers here in Indiana may have many fears when they have been subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace. This includes a fear that they could lose their job if they report the conduct to their employer. It is important for workers to know that federal law...