It is very common for perpetrators of sexual harassment to claim that they were just joking. This may happen because they did not expect to be called out on their actions. For example, perhaps a coworker makes lewd comments about the way that you look and describes...
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Sexual Harassment
What makes a sexual harassment complaint valid?
Any type of harassment at work can harm employees and the whole organization. If you are subject to uninvited sexual contact, favors or advances, you may file a sexual harassment complaint. If you plan to report the incident, you should consider factors that may...
Potential signs of inappropriate grooming by your employer
According to a survey completed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, nearly 23% of employees reported that they have faced harassment in the workplace in the United States. Additionally, the EEOC stated that as many as 3 in 4 instances of workplace...
More than 40% of women in tech face sexual harassment
Sexual harassment occurs in virtually all Indiana industries. However, research shows that employees who work in certain sectors face a higher chance of falling victim to it than those employed in others. Women, in particular, face more instances of work-related...
Can sexual harassment still happen in digital environments?
Sexual harassment, unfortunately, remains a problem that many people face over the years. Despite workplace crusades to bring it to an end, it still poses a serious issue. But what about these days, when more and more people work remotely than ever before? Is sexual...
3 factors that increase the risk of workplace sexual harassment
Many different variables contribute to how likely sexual harassment is to occur in a particular Indiana work environment. Everything from how a company operates and what it values to who it caters to and what product or service it provides makes a difference in terms...
Rise in medical staff incidents highlights effects of harassment
Harassment affects employees and its impacts reach staff-wide. Understanding the data and brainstorming solutions to curb this is important. It is also important for employees to understand their options when facing harassment from both customers and employers. The...
Is sexual harassment more than physical touch?
Working with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable can interfere with your productivity. Worrying about your safety can distract you from performing your best and might prevent you from wanting to go to work at all. Understanding what equates to sexual harassment...
Workplace sexual harassment also affects men
Many people may think that sexual harassment in the workplace is strictly a woman's issue. However, it is common for men to be targets of harassment as well. Men experience sexual harassment more often than people may realize. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity...
Sexual harassment in a work-from-home environment?
Sexual harassment is an issue that plagues workplaces across the country, despite nationwide efforts to put an end to this ongoing problem. While physical sexual harassment has come under great scrutiny lately, this is not the only form of sexual harassment at work....