You know how much money you should see in each paycheck. When you receive less than expected, it could be because your employer took out deductions. According to the Indiana Department of Labor, your employer can legally deduct money from your paycheck. There are...
We have taken on cutting-edge cases other firms turned down — and we have won.
Month: June 2022
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What to know about pregnancy discrimination
If you were passed over for a promotion or, worse yet, fired because of a pregnancy, you may have a pregnancy discrimination claim. Pregnancy discrimination in the workplace is prohibited and you should know what some common examples of it are and how you are...
Information about Family and Medical Leave
There may be a time when you need to take time off of work to take care of a family member or yourself. However, job security is often a concern, whether you are a newer or seasoned employee. Fortunately, there is the Family and Medical Leave Act, which is unpaid...