In a major step forward for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees, an appeals court ruled recently that the protections of the Civil Rights Act do in fact apply to discrimination based on sexual orientation. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a decision that offers precise direction to many employers about whether or not they can treat LGBT employees differently — an issue that has come back into the spotlight lately.
Opponents of the decision claim that discrimination based on sex is distinctly different from discrimination based on sexual orientation, and should be treated as a legally distinct issue. While the decision is a notable step forward for workers’ rights and equal protections for LGBT individuals, the ruling is in conflict with the decision of another appellate court decision handed down just a few months ago. In the eyes of many individuals, this conflict implies that the matter may be headed to the Supreme Court sooner than later.
If you believe that you face discrimination in the workplace because of your sexual orientation, you should not hesitate to reach out to an experienced attorney who understands the nuances of the law in Indiana, and how it may work in your favor. While the issue is far from settled, when you fight for your own rights, you are also fighting for the fair treatment of others who do not have a strong voice.
With proper legal guidance, you can examine all of your options for enforcing your own fair treatment using the strength of the law. An experienced workplace discrimination attorney can help you navigate this evolving field with care, keeping your rights protected as you seek justice.
Source: CNN, “LGBT employees protected from workplace discrimination, appeals court rules,” Ariane de Vogue, April 04, 2017