According the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), workplace retaliation is the primary type of discrimination that federal workers face. Individuals who apply for or hold government jobs aren't the only ones who are punished, harassed or discriminated...
We have taken on cutting-edge cases other firms turned down — and we have won.
Year: 2018
When should I tell my boss that I am pregnant?
Learning that you are pregnant is a wonderful experience, and it is likely that you will be bursting with excitement, wanting to tell everyone you know. However, you may be concerned about breaking the news to your boss, and you may even be worried that the pregnancy...
Former Indiana office clerk files wrongful termination lawsuit
A former clerk in the office of the Hamilton County, Indiana, treasurer has sued the county, claiming wrongful termination. In her lawsuit filing, the 13-year veteran county employee said she was fired because leaders in the office feared she would tell what she knew...
Working moms: your rights in the office
In today’s society, working mothers are extremely common. Women who balance work life and family time are not unusual but in some cases, even modern-day workplaces do not respect or account for this. Working mothers have certain rights that can help them juggle their...
A former city of Indianapolis worker files a discrimination claim
On Oct. 21, a one-time city of Indianapolis employee filed a reverse discrimination lawsuit in federal court against his former employer. In his filing, he accused them of having fired him because of his age and race. He also said that he believes his firing had to do...
Should waitresses expect to be harassed on the job?
If you're an Indianapolis waitress, you work hard for your tips. You realize that the paltry hourly wage you're paid will never pay the bills. You need to remain fast on your feet, have a keen memory for orders and regulars' favorites and a ready smile for all you...
3 things you need to know about workplace retaliation
It doesn't matter if you enjoy your job or have run into issues in the past, you never know if you could face an instance of workplace retaliation. If this happens, it's imperative to understand your legal rights and the steps you can take to protect yourself. There...
How to take a Family and Medical Leave Act leave
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is in place to provide eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for a qualifying condition, such as the birth of a child or to care for an ill spouse. To take advantage of FMLA benefits, you must first...
Recognizing and fighting age discrimination in the workplace
Members of the workforce over a certain age may experience discrimination based on their age because of an employer’s misunderstanding or blatant ignorance of state and federal law. Far too frequently employers mistreat older workers, typically those over age 40, in...
How to deal with discrimination as an employee
As an employee, you hope that workplace discrimination never comes into play. However, if it does, sitting back and hoping that everything works out is not the best approach. There are many ways to deal with discrimination as an employee, with these tips critical to...