In most cases, employment relationships can be terminated by either party with little need for a valid reason. However, there are circumstances where it may be unlawful for employers to dismiss employees without just cause. One such example is when an employee feels they may have been terminated as a form of retaliation for refusing a particular direction given by the employer because the employee felt it was unethical or illegal to do so. In cases such as these, claims may be filed against the company. However, there are guidelines involved in filing these cases that the employee should be aware of.
An employee’s contract can be considered unjustly terminated in the following cases:
- When they take advantage of their right to family and medical leave.
- If they are let go for filing a workers’ compensation claim.
- Being retaliated against for reporting instances of discrimination, sexual harassment or illegal or unethical conduct.
If you are terminated under any of these circumstances, you may have grounds for filing a wrongful dismissal claim against the employer.
Losing your job can cause financial and emotional strain on your life. When you lose your job in an unjustifiable way, there are additional stressors involved. Knowing that you can fight your wrongful dismissal is important. You don’t have to just sit back and accept it. You also don’t have to fight the situation alone.
When you are involved in a case of wrongful termination, you should seek legal advice by obtaining an attorney with experience in this area. They will clarify areas of confusion for you so that you fully understand the definitions of wrongful termination as well as determine if you have a case. Once that is established, they will fight diligently for your rights.