If you have been harassed at your place of employment by someone akin to a supervisor, your workplace has become hostile and you have irrefutable proof, you may wonder what will happen when you take action and whether or not your employer will be held liable. In many cases an employer will be held accountable by fines or other penalties.
There are some cases in which your employer will not be found at fault. Let’s explore these circumstances so that you may decide whether or not they may apply to your case of harassment.
If your employer can prove that it made a reasonable effort to guard against harassment as well as immediately corrected the harassing behavior once the claim was substantiated, it may be able to shirk any claims of liability. The only other circumstance in which an employer can avoid being held liable is if you as the harassed employee did not utilize any of the resources provided by the employer in an effort to prevent harassment from happening.
If you have been harassed at work and you now feel threatened to return to work or have lost your job as a result of the harassment, you may benefit from talking to an Indiana employment law attorney. He or she might give you the comfort you need to take the next step. Nobody should experience harassment when trying to do a job and if you have, you are strong to take a stand against the behavior and the employer.